XVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
October 12-15, 2009, Tomsk, Russia
Author's Index
Author: Ботыгина Н.Н. (Институт оптики атмосферы им. В.Е.Зуева СО РАН, Томск, Россия)
List of reports:
- L.V. Antoshkin, N.N. Botygiha, O.N. Emaleev, P.A. Konyaev, V.P. Lukin
Differential atmospheric turbulence parameters monitor with the torch laser module as a radiator
- M.Yu. Arshinov, N.N. Botygina, V.V. Reyno, S.L. Odintsov
Base experimental complex
- L.V. Antoshkin, N.N. Botygina, O.N. Emaleev, V.P. Lukin, P.A. Konyaev
Wave-front sensors and algorithms for adaptive optical systems